Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Premature Ejaculation needs Sex Therapy

According to Wikipedia, sex therapy is the treatment of sexual dysfunction, such as non-consummation, premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, low libido, unwanted sexual fetishes, sexual addiction, painful sex or lack of sexual confidence, assisting people who are recovering from sexual assault, problems commonly caused by stress, tiredness and other environmental and relationship factions. From this explanation, sex therapy is not just as simple as the name sounds. It deals with a wide range of issue covering sexuality in human.

Obviously, the job of a sex therapist is not as easy as the name sounds. According to Cory Silverberg, a sex therapist help one in need of sex therapy to clearly define issues and resolve it, or find a way to make whatever problems it causes have less of an impact on ones sex live.
Most of the sex therapy focuses on solving sexual dysfunctions or sexual problems between sexual partners.

Basically, sex therapy deals with sexually related issues. Sex therapy tries to solve sexual problem existing between partners. It could be long or short-term of counseling with a sex therapist. During sex therapy session, the patient is given assignments such as reading books about sexuality, practicing better sexual communication skills, etc.

A sex therapist could be psychiatrist, a psychologist or a clinical social worker. Sex therapists are specifically trained for sex therapy.

Sex therapists also tend to have much greater than average knowledge about the physiological processes that are a part of human sexuality. They tend to work hand in hand with physicians to address various sexual problems existing between partners.